Personal Trainer

Reach Your Potential

a few words about me

Read My Story

“I am the creator of a Training Programs, personal coach and a writer. ”

Being fit and living healthy is what I know and love. Fitness has always been a part of my life. I grew up in a fit family—my dad ran marathons, we had a home gym, and my parents always had gym memberships.

stay healthy & fit

Get A Perfect Body

I believe in training with intensity, eating to fuel your body and having fun while doing it. If you’re not enjoying fitness…what’s the point?!

Make Your Body Harmonic

Optimal Diet Selection

Individual Training Programs

Group & Personal Trainings

Weight Loss Program

read testimonials

What Clients Say

John encourages you and pushes you to achieve your potential. I’ve seen great results over the past few months! His tips on nutrition are excellent and his dedication is clear.

Jane Doe

John encourages you and pushes you to achieve your potential. I’ve seen great results over the past few months! His tips on nutrition are excellent and his dedication is clear.

Jane Doe

John encourages you and pushes you to achieve your potential. I’ve seen great results over the past few months! His tips on nutrition are excellent and his dedication is clear.

Jane Doe

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need any previous experience?

Everyone can benefit from a personal trainer, whether they are a complete beginner needing advice in order to exercise correctly and get help with nutrition, a regular exerciser needing professional knowledge to improve the effectiveness of their training to an athlete wanting to fine tune their movements, strength and conditioning to achieve a better performance.

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How often do I need to train?

This really depends on your goals, your own motivation levels, other commitments and your budget. As part of your initial free consultation we will talk through and agree a number of sessions per week which is realistic and achievable based on your goals and lifestyle commitments.

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How does it work?

You will be invited to a 30 minute consultation where you get the opportunity to discuss your goals, your current and previous fitness levels, any previous or on-going health issues, your lifestyle, nutrition and to ask any further questions.

This is then used to form a structured plan/programme personalised to you and your goals and then we can look at booking you in for your first session!

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